Common Myths

50. The 15-20 Most Common Myths of Our Era.
1. Moses Existed as a Living Person.
2. Jesus Existed as a Living Person.
3. The Fact that so many religions exist prove that there is a God.
4. Antropic Global Warming is a Hoax.
5. Evolution is just a Theory.
6. Mark, Luke, Mathew and John were known people that wrote the Gospels.
7. St Peter was the first Pope in Rome.
8. The Jews Were Delivered from Egipt and Wandered the Desert for 40 years.
9. The earth is 6000 years old.
10. The biblical flood really happened.
11. Extraterrestrials visit us regularly.
12. The Big Bang is just a theory.
13. The Modern Versions of the New Testament were translated from the originals.
14. The Moon Landing Never Happened.
15. Christianism Arose in the First Century.
16. Nothing rather than Something would be more likely.

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